映画『ザ・スクエア 思いやりの聖域』(三幕構成分析#143)

映画『ザ・スクエア 思いやりの聖域』





“I never want to have any in-between scenes that are only there to tell the plot. If I have these scenes I think I’ve failed a little bit as a director.” Ruben Östlund explained that his mission is to make movies full of interesting, stand-alone scenes that highlight human behavior.
“私は、筋を伝えるためだけにあるような、中間のシーンは絶対に入れたくない。もしこのようなシーンがあったら、監督として少し失敗したと思う。” ルーベン・オストルンドは、人間の行動を浮き彫りにする、興味深い独立したシーンでいっぱいの映画を作ることが自分の使命だと説明しました。

Ruben Östlund said in Cannes, “Anything can happen in a movie when suddenly a monkey appears in an apartment. Everything should have a monkey in it.”

“These people that in the beginning were sitting in tuxedos and eating their nice, fancy dinner, I wanted them to be uncivilized animals in the end, I think that the most uncivilized thing about our time is the collective rage against individuals that are acting uncivilized. Isn’t that the scary thing about us?” said Ruben Östlund about the monkey-man scene.

If you watch carefully about ten minutes into the movie, you can see the hand of the woman Christian is trying to shield from her assumed assailant, reaching into Christian’s pocket for his phone.
Also, at the moment that the “attacker” arrives, you can also see the woman reaching into Christian’s back pocket to steal his wallet.


好き 作品 脚本
米俵 3 4 4
イルカ 5 5 5
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参加者2 2 3 2
参加者3 3 3 2
参加者4 5 5 5
3.3 4.0 3.3

イルカ 2023.5.21

