

三幕構成 中級編(まえおき1)







マスタープロットシリーズは『20 Master Plots: And How to Build Them』を引用、補足した内容です。以下、指定のない引用箇所はすべて本書から。翻訳文は「DeepL翻訳」に明らかな誤訳は断りなく修正したものです。


Don Quixote:『ドン・キホーテ』
The Wizard of OZ:『オズの魔法使い』
The Grapes of Wrath:『怒りの葡萄』
Lost Horizon:『失われた地平線』
Jason’s Golden Fleece:『オデュッセイア』
Treasure of the Sierra Madre:『The Treasure of Sierra Madre』『黄金』


protagonist’s search for a person, place, or thing, tangible or intangible.


The object of the protagonist’s search reflects heavily on his character and usually alters it in some way, thus affecting the character change, which is important by the end.


In this kind of plot, the protagonist starts at home and often ends at home.


The object of this journey, other than the quest, is wisdom. All the characters in these stories learn something about the world and about themselves. Sometimes they return heroes, wiser for their journey; sometimes they return disillusioned and sick.


These stories, by nature, are episodic. The protagonist may start at home, but she’ll go from place to place in search of the object of her desire, encountering a variety of events along the way. These events should relate in some way to accomplishing the final goal.


A major part of the quest is the search itself and the wisdom the main character accumulates along the way. She must be psychologically ready to receive the wisdom, and therefore the search becomes a series of successive classes. She should graduate one class before moving on to the next.



In Act One (setup), the hero is at the point of origination, usually home. A force moves him to act, either out of necessity or by desire.


the quest starts with immediate decisions to act.


In each case, the first incident, the motivating incident, prompts the hero to leave home. It isn’t enough for him simply to want to go; something must spur him on.


All of the characters we’ve discussed here start out in a kind of innocent or naive state. They don’t fully understand what lies ahead of them. They think they know what they want, but experience teaches them something else.


In any case, invest your character with a strong desire to go somewhere, to do something.


Intent is what the character wants to achieve; motivation is his reason for wanting to achieve it.


The Buddy Concept. The main character rarely travels alone.


The buddies are usually picked up late in the first act (as a result of the motivating incident). In none of the previous examples does the hero begin with all his buddies; they are acquired along the way. This gives us time to focus on the protagonist without complicating issues with a supporting cast.


If you plan to use a helpful friend or animal, the best place to introduce this character is in the first act.


As basic as it sounds, the middle connects the beginning and the end. Act One asks the question, and Act Three gives the answer. All Act Two does is make the story interesting.


(Notice the word find in each case? This is the bottom-line description of a quest plot.)

(それぞれのケースで “find “という単語が使われていることにお気づきだろうか?これがクエスト・プロットの一番下の説明である)

The skill in making obstacles is not just presenting hurdles for your character to run over, but hurdles that somehow alter your character.


In the quest plot, the revelation occurs once the protagonist obtains (or is denied) the object of her search.


This tale isn’t that different from dozens of fairy tales that circulated throughout Europe during the Middle Ages. We know the tales: they’re always about a young boy or girl who must go out in the world to find something. It is their contact with the outside world, the world away from home, that teaches them the lessons they need to mature into adults.


As you bring your main character to the climax of your story, and as you make him confront the realities that have presented themselves during the course of your story, you have either created a character who rejects the lessons he’s learned (and goes back to point zero) or one who learns from them by accepting them. This plot, more than many others, points out the change in your character from beginning to end.



As you write your story, keep these points in mind:

1. A quest plot should be about a search for a person, place, or thing; develop a close parallel between your protagonist’s intent and motivation and the object he’s trying to find.

2. Your plot should move around a lot, visiting many people and places. But don’t just move your character around as the wind blows. Movement should be orchestrated according to your plan of cause and effect. (You can make the journey seem like there’s nothing guiding it—making it seem casual—but in fact it is causal.)

3. Consider bringing your plot full circle geographically. The protagonist frequently ends up in the same place where she started.

4. Make your character substantially different at the end of the story as a result of her quest. This plot is about the character who makes the search, not about the object of the search itself. Your character is in the process of changing during the course of the story. What or who is she becoming?

5. The object of the journey is wisdom, which takes the form of self-realization for the hero. Oftentimes this is the process of maturation. It may be about a child who learns the lessons of adulthood, but it also may be about an adult who learns the lessons of life.

6. Your first act should include a motivating incident, which initiates your hero’s actual search. Don’t just launch into a quest; make sure your readers understand why your character wants to go on the quest.

7. Your hero should have at least one traveling companion. He must have interactions with other characters to keep the story from becoming too abstract or too interior. Your hero needs someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to argue with.

8. Consider including a helpful character.

9. Your last act should include your character’s revelation, which occurs either after giving up the search or after successfully concluding it. 10. What your character discovers is usually different from what he originally sought.


1. 主人公の意図や動機と、彼が探そうとしている対象との間に密接な平行関係を築くこと。


3. プロットを地理的に一周させることを考える。主人公は、しばしば出発点と同じ場所に行き着く。

4. 探索の結果、物語の最後でキャラクターが大きく変わるようにする。このプロットは、探索の対象そのものではなく、探索を行うキャラクターについてのものである。あなたのキャラクターは、物語の過程で変化していきます。彼女は何に、あるいは誰になりつつあるのでしょうか?

5. 旅の目的は知恵であり、それは主人公の自己実現という形をとる。多くの場合、これは成熟の過程である。大人になるための教訓を学ぶ子供の話かもしれないが、人生の教訓を学ぶ大人の話かもしれない。

6. 最初の行動には、主人公が実際に探し求めるきっかけとなるような出来事を盛り込むこと。読者が、主人公がなぜその冒険に出たいのかを理解できるようにしましょう。


8. 役に立つ人物を登場させましょう。

9. ラストには、探索をあきらめた後か、探索を成功させた後に起こる、主人公の啓示を入れましょう。10. キャラクターが発見するものは、たいていの場合、彼が当初求めていたものとは異なる。


作品例にGolden Fleeceがあるとおり、ヒーローズジャーニーブレイクスナイダーのストーリータイプでいう「金の羊毛」のこと。要約するのであれば「主人公が、ある動機から、何かを求めて、仲間とともに、旅立ち、目的を達成するためにさまざまな試練を乗りこえて、その目的は達成するが、同時に何らかの気づきがあり、成長や変化をして、家に戻ってくる」といったところか。プロットの形自体は基本のキャラクターアークなので、中級編の記事としては特筆することはないが、このプロットの構成要素のようなものはいくつか創作時に利用できると感じた。チェックリストは良くできているので全文引用した。他のマスタープロットと比べてみないとわからないが、この作者の中での「クエスト」の特徴は主人公の成長、変化、学びに重点を置いているような印象を受けた。他のタイプを読んでから、後日、考察を加えるかもしれないが、とりあえず一つめのプロット。

緋片イルカ 2024.1.9


