三幕構成 中級編(まえおき1)
マスタープロットシリーズは『20 Master Plots: And How to Build Them』を引用、補足した内容です。以下、指定のない引用箇所はすべて本書から。翻訳文は「DeepL翻訳」に明らかな誤訳は断りなく修正したものです。
Indiana Jones:『インディ・ジョーンズ/レイダース 失われたアーク《聖櫃》』
Luke Skywalker:『スター・ウォーズ エピソード4/新たなる希望 』
and James Bond:『カジノ・ロワイヤル』
Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea:『海底二万里』
Jack London’s The Sea Wolf:『海の狼』
Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe:『ロビンソン・クルーソー』
Gulliver’s Travels:『ガリヴァー旅行記』
The Three Languages:『グリムの昔話』
Robin Hood:『ロビン・フッドの愉快な冒険』
Kipling’s Captains Courageous:『Captains Courageous』
Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows:『The Wind in the Willows』
The adventure plot resembles the quest plot in many ways, but there are some profound differences between them. The quest plot is a character plot; it is a plot of the mind. The adventure plot, on the other hand, is an action plot; it is a plot of the body. The difference lies mainly in the focus. In the quest plot, the focus from beginning to end is the person making the journey; in the adventure plot, the focus is the journey itself.
Adventure is doing things we’ll probably never do, going to the brink of danger and returning safely.
Since the purpose of the adventure is the journey, it’s not important that the hero change in any appreciable way. This isn’t a psychological story like the quest plot. What’s important is the moment at hand and the one following it. What’s important is a sense of breathlessness.
The protagonist is perfectly fitted for the adventure: She is swept up in the event because the event is always larger than the character. The character may prevail through skill or daring but is defined by the event.
主人公は冒険にぴったりだ: というのも、出来事は常に主人公よりも大きいからだ。キャラクターは技術や大胆さによって勝つかもしれないが、出来事によって定義される。
In these stories the world is defined variously as the bottom of the ocean; aboard the sailing ship Ghost with a tyrannical captain; or marooned on an island off the coast of South America. The world can take many forms. What’s important about the locations is that they are anything but the mundane world we inhabit. Readers enjoy adventures as much for the places they get to go as for the action that involves the character.
Many fairy tales are about just that: venturing into the unknown. The adventure story for adults is nothing more than an extension of the child’s fairy tale.
Fairy tales use a relatively limited number of plots, but one of the most common is the adventure plot.
※以降、『三つのことば』を使っての説明が多いため、ストーリーを知らない人は一読を推奨 → 青空文庫『三つのことば』
In the case of “The Three Languages,” the motivating force comes in the second line, when the father throws his son out of the house. The son has no choice; he must leave. Simpler reasons for the leaving (out of curiosity, for example) aren’t enough; the act should impel the character. Oftentimes the character has no choice but to act.
There are five events in the first act; they are pure cause and effect, and you can follow them easily: the initial impetus for movement (“get an education”), the three journeys to celebrated masters (each resulting in failure), and the final rejection and sentence of death. Each scene stems directly from the one preceding it. That’s the beauty and economy of the fairy tale.
Finally his father throws him out (both literally and figuratively). No longer guided by the demands of his father, he must act on his own now. This distinguishes the first from the second act: The boy’s motivation is different.
ついに父親は彼を追い出した(文字通りの意味でも比喩的な意味でも)。もはや父親の要求に導かれることなく、彼は自分自身で行動しなければならない。これが第一幕と第二幕の違いである: 少年の動機が違うのだ。
As you develop your own idea for this plot, keep in mind that you should develop a series of events and locations that are colorful and exciting, but that also mesh for the sake of the plot. In the case of “The Three Languages,” we are entranced by the dark, mysterious mood of the places the boy visits.
Don’t just move your character through a series of unrelated stops. Try to tell a story. You’re free from the restraints of the quest plot, in which each event challenges the hero in some meaningful way and affects his character. In the adventure plot, the character can simply enjoy the events for their worth. But don’t abandon cause and effect. Your hero is still an important figure in the book, and the reader always looks to find some correlation between place and event with the hero.
Hans goes down to the tower and, having learned the language of dogs, eavesdrops on them. He finds out that the dogs are crazy because they’re under a curse that forces them to guard a great treasure in the tower. He tells the lord that he knows how to get the treasure and release the dogs from the curse that keeps them there. The lord is impressed, promising to adopt Hans if he can get the treasure. Hans delivers the treasure and finds a new father. End of second movement.Notice how the author goes back to the material in the first movement and builds on it in the second? Lay the groundwork for the journey in the first movement, then actually make the journey in the second movement. As you develop a series of events (and difficulties for your hero), remember to keep the reader challenged. Description of exotic places and people can be interesting, but you still must deliver the goods when it comes to some kind of story.
Notice also the insight into Hans’ character: He doesn’t keep the treasure for himself. Instead, he turns it over to the lord of the castle, who repays him with adoption. Hans has replaced an ungrateful father with a grateful one. The focus isn’t on Hans, however. The focus is on the adventure. For the sake of summarizing the story I’ve left out the details of Hans’s encounter with the dogs, but it has elements of fear, terror, fascination, and revelation (the treasure). It is from these details the adventure takes its color and power.
The third act fulfills the promises of the first two acts. Hans moves through successive states of being. He starts out as dumb Hans (Act One), develops into the young adopted count (Act Two), and ends up as the pope (Act Three). Each stage depends on the previous one. He also moves through three fathers. Hans starts out with the irresponsible and intolerant father of Act One, graduates to an understanding and giving father in Act Two, and graduates again to be the figurative son of God. Heroes in adventures don’t usually change much during the course of the story. The reader is basically concerned with the chain of events and with what happens next. Yes, Hans becomes the pope, but we don’t see any evidence of a changed Hans.He can’t even speak Latin; when he gives Mass, the doves have to prompt him. He’s still pretty much the same person, although he’s become more self-reliant (which is the point of the story). We don’t see a high level of spiritual consciousness or insight that elevates his character. If it weren’t for the birds …
Frequently, an adventure includes a romance. There’s no romance in “The Three Languages” because it wouldn’t be fitting for a pope-to-be to have a girlfriend, but in many other fairy tales (and adult adventures) the hero encounters a member of the opposite sex along the way. Kings and princes must have their queens and princesses (and vice versa). What does Act Three accomplish in the adventure plot? As is true with most plots, the question you raise in your first act is answered in your third. Will Hans make his way in the world? Yes.
As you write, keep these points in mind:
1. The focus of your story should be on the journey more than on the person making the journey.
2. Your story should concern a foray into the world, to new and strange places and events.
3. Your hero goes in search of fortune; it is never found at home.
4. Your hero should be motivated by someone or something to begin the adventure.
5. The events in each of your acts depend on the same chain of cause-and-effect relationships that motivates your hero at the beginning.
6. Your hero doesn’t necessarily have to change in any meaningful way by the end of the story.
7. Adventures often include romance.
1. ストーリーの焦点は、旅をする人よりも旅に置くこと。2. あなたの物語は、新しい、見知らぬ場所や出来事への世界への旅に関わるものでなければならない。
3. 主人公は幸運を求めて旅に出る。
5. 各行為で起こる出来事は、最初に主人公を動機づけるのと同じ因果関係の連鎖に依存する。
6. ヒーローは、物語の終わりまで、必ずしも意味のある変化をする必要はない。
7. 冒険はしばしばロマンスを含む。
ヒーローズジャーニーのインターナルな側面(内的あるいはキャラクターアーク)にフォーカスしたのが、マスタープロット1の「クエスト」、イクスターナルな側面(外的あるいはプロットアーク)にフォーカスしたのがこの「アドベンチャー」という理解で良いと感じる。物語の質は内外両面をしっかり描いた方が上がる。つまり、ワクワクもするし感動もする。ただ、この作者がどこかで書いていたが、まずは内外のどちらかははっきりさせた方が良いという観点は創作するときには有効。アドベンチャー寄りのインディージョーンズ的なアクション映画で、ムリに変化を付けようとするよりは、まずは冒険そのものを魅力的にした方がいいし、クエスト寄りの作品でアクト3(ビッグバトル)だけアクションにしてキャラの成長やテーマの本質からズレたり誤魔化してはいけない。どちらかをしっかり意識するのは有効だ。キャラクターの特徴として、クエストでは変化が重要、アドベンチャーでは変化しなくても良い(その代わりに何が魅力として働くか?を考える必要がある)という感覚も大きなヒントになる。ラブプロット(本書でいうロマンス)に関しても、クエストではごちゃごちゃする(テーマとズレる)可能性もあるし、インディ・ジョーンズちやジェームズ・ボンドがラブインタレストとして噛み合うのも理解しやすい。「バトル」や「ピンチ」などのアークの中継点となるようなビートの捉え方としては、クエストではトライアル、アドベンチャーでは因果関係とアクトを踏まえたステップアップということがポイントといえる。F&Gの感覚にも繋がるが「the event is always larger than the character」の感覚も重要。観客・読者がワクワクするような旅であること。
緋片イルカ 2024.1.9